Do you have a new or established small business and want to have an internet presence or perhaps update your current web look? Most importantly is your current website mobile-friendly? Have you been using FACEBOOK as your business presence and want your own domain/website? Most internet users are confused by so much information on websites that they do not bother to see what the company actually DOES or what it OFFERS...resulting in an owner's waste of time and money.
Many small or family-owned businesses only have FACEBOOK or other social media as their internet presence...valuable platforms but very restrictive ways to operate.
Keeping our clients' wishes up front, we design and build websites based on 3 core principles:
We design websites simply and clearly with a contemporary look and feel, easy to navigate....nothing confusing, cluttered or the viewer an easy passage from one page or section to another. A site can be colorful or graphically impactful but overall it must be easy for the user to maneuver and more importantly, that they understand the message you want them to understand.
We design sites to be as transparent as possible. This means that both visual and text content are easy to understand in spite of their possible technical vocabulary. Many site visitors are not experts so the information conveyed via your site must be cohesive, user-friendly and obvious even to the untrained. We also make sure that any links used are correct and function as they should.
Thousands of websites use content copied from other sites, minimizing their Google-search success rate. Today's web search algorithms constantly seek new material and that means your graphic and text content.
Not good at writing? Give us your concepts/ideas and we'll make sure your message is delivered in the most marketable way.
If your site is NOT in English, Spanish or Greek language, then just provide us your text...we'll take it from there and build the site with your content.
A good, effective website delivers its information quickly and consistently. Thus we only work with a reliable hosting service whose performance has been proven through time. Uploads and downloads are quick; downtimes are negligible. Pricing is very reasonable and varies with the services used. And if you thought having a website is expensive, yes, it can be...but it can also be very simple, relatively inexpensive and deliver your message globally. The choice is yours.
TALK TO may be surprised to find that our rates to design, build and host your website are quite affordable unlike many others whose fees are beyond a small business budget. Our focus is on satisfying your needs; even though your tech skills may not be strong, we make sure that the end result satisfies both of us. We can also maintain your new site at equally affordable rates.
Take a look at some of our past website work, and ask us about getting involved with your site...please keep in mind that some sites may no longer exist at the request of their owners. More questions? Just fill in the Contact form below..
The success of any website can be largely dependant on its name, i.e. its DOMAIN. Many business owners operate their sites with domain names that do not lend themselves to the business they are in. That being said, if your domain does not reflect your business, search engines have difficulty in raising your site because people search by type or commodity...not by your name....unless you are already a world-reknowned personality.
Through our research, we can advise and recommend possible available domain names for your use, and when you decide, can register them for you...that way you are assured that no one else uses it until such time as you are ready to launch your site.
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